
Just a Small Announcement:

So i know i have not written in quite sometime and i apologize for that. The truth of the matter is that i started this blog as a way for me to pass the time in my dorm room throughout my first year of University. It Started out as a great idea but as things got more and more busy i had less and less time to actually sit down and write something, and i had started lose inspiration and things to write about. So here is my Announcement: This blog has now been reborn and has taken a turn in the totally opposite direction. Don't get me wrong i still have Burtram my Beta fish and he is doing awesome, but i have recently been very inspired to try this new idea i have had for quite sometime. 

So i Suppose i should start off with  aNew introduction to myself, as i have changed significantly since my last post. First of all i've grown yet another year older and now being 20 a lot of things have changed. My Name is still Hillary, I'm still Canadian (but no i do not say oot and aboot or Eh.), i am still a sister and ' still a music lover! What has changed is my field of studies. To this day i don't think i've really been honest about why i stopped studying music and moved into healthcare, the reason being I'm not totally sure i know myself why. Being a nurse just seemed right. As much as i loved singing and doing my music, i never really felt like that was my dream. I can still remember when my parents would always ask me what i wanted to be when i grew up i would always answer with "a Nurse." Its always been my dream, and i can't even begin to describe how happy i am doing what i do. 

So because of the 3+ years to actually get into a nursing program, i decided to get my healthcare aide diploma first. that way i could get myself into the workplace, get some experience, and if i hated it i would have spent far less time and money on it. Now i've graduated, i am fully certified, but jobless. There are just no jobs out there to be had, so i made the decision to go back to high school. To keep my skills up to date, and also because a lot of the curriculum has changed since my graduation in 2011, and majority of those courses are required to get into a nursing program. Currently i am taking a grade 12 Biology, math and English. Now, i have previously had both my Bio and Math teachers in my grade 12 year, but i had never met my current english teacher (Even after hearing of her for four consecutive years) I had heard many things about her, both good and bad. Rumour had it that she was one of those teacher that you absolutely loved or hated. 

She is so different from any other english teacher i've had. EVER. Taking higher level english the emphasis was always on how to write an essay, and the novel studies were always on some dry ancient "Classic" like Wuthering Heights. God, even the title makes me cringe. Mrs Smith (not her real name), however puts a lot of emphasis on reading. I have written only one assignment so far and all of our novel studies are on the books we pick out ourselves! For example every friday we get all class to just read a novel and when we return on monday we spend the class writing and responding to what we read. The first assignment we were required to do was not the usual "write a paragraph about yourself" assignment, but rather tell me your three favourite books and why and why you like to read. I Hillary-Erin for the first time EVER, L O V E my english class! 

Mrs. Smith has this philosophy that life is too short to read a shitty book so why waste time doing so? so that is exactly what i am not going to do! She has gotten me BACK into my love for reading, and man am i so thankful for that! I almost thought i was starting to lose myself for a bit. 

Anyways enough of my ramblings, This new blog: Dog-eared Corners is going to be devoted to my current reading. And will feature a book review every time i finish a novel (I want to say once a month, but some books are longer than others), as well as a review of the corresponding movies if one exits. I hope nobody is expecting any Jane Austen, or any of the Bronte sisters on here because it just is not going to happen. i have absolutely no interest in reading that nonsense. So i will be reading relatable new"er" aged works. Starting with Nicholas Sparks' Safe Haven. 
I know right: oh god why? well although i find a lot of his works very predictable and cookie cutter (i.e. the rescue, Dear John) a lot of them are beautiful and keep you on your toes at all times (ex. The Lucky One). And i also have this weird thing on my bucket list to own and read every sparks novel. (Im almost halfway there, YAY!) 
ok this is officially way to long! Until next time:

stay tuned page turners
Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
a review by Hillary.