Wshew!! i can not believe that i am finally getting this post done! life has been so hectic and chaotic recently that i just havnt had the time. honestly i finished the book on easter weekend, so im going to write what i can and just hope that everything is all still fresh in my mind!
SPOILER ALERT! harry potter is a wizard. Do not continue reading if you wish to read the novel Safe Haven and/or watch the movie!!
The Novel:
So katie, or should i call her Erin?? stumbles upon this small town, South Port, on her run from her psychotic husband. There she buys a shitty old cabin, and while fixing it up meets Alex (the guy in the store that sells her paint), and his children Josh and Kristen, as well as her next door neighbour Jo. To know more about the characters please read my character analysis in my previous post. Long story short the beginning was kind of slow, but sweet, but the secong half! oh. my. goodness!!! i could not put it down!! So her drunk of a husband drives all the way to southport from boston (talk about dangerous) during the independence day weekend! Seriously he consumed more than 4 bottles of vodka in a 36 hour time period! His liver must be well pickled at this point! anyways he shows up drunk as a skunk, tracks down katie,and realizes that she is with Alex. So naturally the only sane thing to do is destroy all of them right?? According to him it is!! so he pours gasoline and even more vodka all over Alex's Store (In which his house is on top of the store, where katie and the kids are currently sleeping!) and sets it on fire!!! Katie manages to get the children out and the run to her cabin in the woods, but Kevin follows!! Alex arrives (after picking somebody up from the airport) realizing that his home is on fire, and rushes to Katie's Cabin. Hammered Kevin hits Alex over the head with a crowbar leaving him to bleed to death and hold Katie and the children at gun point. Just before Kevin shoots Josh, Katie jumps in front of Kevin and tries to wrestle the gun out of his hands and Kevin ends up shooting himself in the face. In the end Alex is just fine,a getting a few stitches, and a bad concussion, the kids are traumatized, but Alex and Katie stay together and everybody is happy happy happy.
Oh yeah, and Jo? Turns out shes the ghost of Alex's late wife. weird right?! i know!!
Rating: 4 Channing Tatums out of 5.

/ 5

The Movie:
same plot line, although parts were different (Such as crazy Kevin printing out most wanted fliers with Katie on them accusing her of Murder 1, which actually seems legit, because hes not introduced as Kevin until almost half way through the movie) So yeah they did a great job of keeping Crazy Kevin Crazy, and Alex wonderfully handsome, and Katie well katie. The Movie was very much so a suspenseful thriller. Very not Nicholas Sparks! Which i quite enjoyed. The one thing i really did not like was that they renamed Alex's daughter Lexi instead of keeping it as Kristen. Why? Just why? its not like it effected the plot at all in any way. it just seemed so unnecessary. That being said this movie gets a rating of:
4 Adam Levines out of 5
Also Stay tuned, because ive started a new book as well!! Its very well known and ive had it reccomnded to me by more than 3 people!! You guessed it! Coming soon A review of
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green!! (Ive already read the first chapter and its SOOOOO GOOD!!)