Basses have the ability to sing so low that it sounds as if one is belching and its still Bau5. why is it so bau5 to sound as if one is burping while actually singing? because James Earl Jones does it. thats why.
Its a simple fact that guys with extremely low voices get to be on super badass commercials, as well as movie trailers, also low voiced men get to play the awesome rolls in movies such as darth vader, or GOD!!
Basses by far have the greatest vibrato. Nuff said
As hard as a woman may try she will never achieve the same amounts of overtones in the sound. Why may this be? well simply because the lower the voice the more baller amounts of overtones.
WTV all the members of the opposite sex dig em'

basses have the pleasure of having the word ass in their name.
basses can come say "come to me" in a James Brown type manner.