On another non related note is the gentleman in front of me aware that static cling has somehow attached a sock to the inside of the hood on the back of his sweater??? something tells me to let him know although i really do not want to embarrass the poor guy. plus the person sitting directly to my left may have already let him know... we'll just leave it at that. after all who knows it could be a new style that we are just not aware of. today when i go to work ill make sure that i have a sock stuck to the back of my pants. it'll be all the rage!! Think of it. can you picture it???? Don't get me wrong, this may be coming off as sarcastic, but I'm completely 100% serious. perhaps this article of clothing is sitting in that hood on purpose. OH NO! what is this??? i just received a note. with the words "pass to ****** .... Casually!" thats a breakthrough in socially acceptable behaviour. it seems completely normal to pass a note. casually. with the guy's name right on it. awkward. however POINT to whomever wrote it.
you know what i love? people who laugh so hard that no sound comes out. this is currently happening to my left. and its fantastic. "why is it so funny??" she asks. well i can tell you. although we are trying to be subtle with this "note" its the farthest thing from it. Its about as subtle as a gun.
New Topic: NYAN CAT!
so theres is this new (well actually not so new) trend in the first floor poettker girls hallway. and that is NON-STOP NYAN! i must say i am totally a fan of this trend and am currently nyaning as we speak. last time i checked i was at 2674 nayanoseconds. BALLER!!! however i wonder how nyan cat came to be. think about it does a cat wearing toast flying and pooping rainbows come to be?? and more importantly, when does the toast turn into a pop tart? it has already been established that after 4000 nayanoseconds it starts flashing rainbows... which also leads to the actual colour of Gerald Gerbrandt's eyes. (or simply put: Gerlold.) after muh debate it has been decided that his eyes must be rainbows, sinces he's just so fantastic. don't believe me? here:
Here we are. multiple pieces of proof, that Gerlolld Gerbrandts eyes are never ope enough to see the colour of them, so hence, RAINBOW!
most happy of fridays, it seems like a great day to get down today :D more thoughts later,
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